Kinesiotaping in swimming

Kinesio Taping is relatively new therapeutic method. I is supposed that this method was created - according to different sources- in the 70s XX century. This method has quickly become popular among rehabilitants and sportsman. It has spread from Japan to other Asian countries and the USA, and then it has finally reached Europe. Kinesio Taping was becoming more and more popular among people interested in professional sport since it was introduced at XXIV Olympics in Seoul (1988). It was most often used to speed up sportsmen recovery and their return to trainings and competitions after different  injuries or to prevent eventual injuries .

Tapes used for Kinesio Taping have particular parameters that make them similar to skin.  One of the specific features of this tape is that its longitudinal stretchability  is between 130% and 140% of its original length and lack of transverse stretchability.  Thickness and weight of the tape improvise features of the human skin. Tape is made from cotton and elastic fibers without latex that minimizes a chance of allergic reaction . Acrylic glue that is activated by heat is spread on the plaster in undulatory manner.   It is imitating papillary lines and allows the tape to shed the humidity. Thanks to those features tapes hold on to the skin 3 to 5 days what helps in continuation of the therapy. An improvement is visible immediately after applying Kinesio Tape and sustains the whole time when the tape is on the skin. It allows the therapists to act quickly even in acute states when the therapeutic procedures are very limited. Other methods can be used along with Kinesio Tape what fosters holistic approach to the therapy. 

While watching media coverage from the biggest sporting events, we can see how common Kinesio Tape is, and that it is often applied to all the body parts of the sportsmen. Up to 2009 the tape was also used in swimming competitions. When FINA - Worlds Federal Swimming Organisation (FédérationInternationale de Natation) introduced new regulations regarding the specifications of the swimming attire, the approach towards using tapes including Kinesio Tape changed. Using the tapes during swimming competitions was strictly prohibited despite lack of any scientific evidence that Kinesio Tape stimulates the performance.

Kinesio Taping is a therapeutic method which - as it was said before - is present in many activities related to sport. It is sometimes used in the therapy of  balance disturbances of the muscles , injuries of the locomotor system, fascial disturbances or the disturbances of blood and lymph flow. 

One of the basic qualities of Kinesio Taping is the ability to influence muscular tonus , which is highly regarded by sports therapists. When we deal with increased or decreased muscular tonus, we can - by proper application of Kinesio tape - reach the optimal muscular tonus in particular set of muscles. Thanks to that we can help the muscles that have been weakened by some kind of contusion. It fosters recovery in adverse situations during the training cycle. It allows the competitor faster return to the full training capacity.

While discussing an example above there comes the question, does KT method have a stimulating effect on the muscles of the healthy sportsmen.

There is no scientific research regarding the influence of KT method on the muscular power of the swimmers. One trial on using KT in swimming was examining the changes taking place during particular parts of training, which can allow us to relate to the influence of this method


on the improvement of the results. This research is definitely not enough to come to any reliable conclusions regarding using KT in swimming trainings.

Kinesio Taping doesn't unequivocally influence the timings attained by swimmers. Swimmers also don't agree with each other in their subjective opinions regarding the improvement of the particular elements of swimming after applying the tape.

The conclusion is clear - even though the application of Kinesio Type is forbidden during swimming competitions - the tapes are very potent element of the therapy during training cycle in swimmers suffering from overextensions and contusions

Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro 2016

Paralympics 2016 in Rio de Janeiro are over. Participating with Polish medical mission during those games was another wonderful experience which gave me new tools and opportunities that will be useful for my future career. Physiotherapeutic care during such prestigious games mainly relies on quick reaction in case of pain or eventual injury prevention. Each physiotherapist has his or her own reliable methods based on long term experience. Thanks to that the procedures elicit expected therapeutic effects. The most popular therapeutic procedures are:

  • massage: sport, relaxing, crosswise
  • manual therapy
  • soft tissues techniques
  • physical therapy
  • stretching
  • dry needling
  • and many more

A few pictures from Rio:

„Tennis elbow” – reasons of pain and treatment

Pain located in the lateral area of cubital joint most often suggests the existence of medical condition commonly called "tennis elbow". It is very complicated concept that has wide range of causes and foundations. Pain in the lateral area of cubital joint is the major symptom , and its location is as follows: on the plane of humero- radial joint , in the area of lateral epicondyle of humeral bone, where radialisposteriornerve goes under supinator muscle, on the plane of the head of radius. Patient sometimes can't locate the pain and describes it as "diffuse", however the situation like this is rare.

Performing manual labor or the training requiring pronation and supination movements of the forearm and straitening movements of the wrist joint clearly intensify the pain. We can observe, among other clinical symptoms: weakening of the grip, pain due to transferring during straightening of the fingers and wrist, and fatigability of the hand muscles.

The most common causes of the pain in the lateral area of cubital joint are: enthesopathy of the aponeurosis of extensors carpi, inflamation of the bursa in the area of humero-radial joint, ligamenta glenohumeralia pain syndrome, postraumatic inflammation of the synovial membrane of cubital joint, outgrowth of the synovial recess between the head of radius and the head of cubital bone and calcium accommodation in aponeurosis of fingers and wrist extensors.

In case of enthesopathy of the aponeurosis of extensors carpi, a patient reports pain and  tenderness of the periostium of lateral epicondylum of cubital bone on the front and in the lateral area of aponeurosis of extensors of the wrist and fingers, a little on the front side. During dorsal flexing of the wrist and fingers a patient experiences the intensification of the symptoms.

A bursa in the area of humero-radial joint is located between aponeurosis of extensordigitorum muscle and humero-radial joint. Its inflammation causes the symptoms similar to enthesopathy of the aponeurosis of extensors carpi.

The aponeurosis of extensordigitorum muscle that constantly flexes because of regular contractions may causes pressure on the ligamentum anulare and elicids pain. The disease is characterized by pain in the head of the radial bone area which intensifies during pronation and supination of forearm and flexing of dorsal wrist and fingers. 

Posttraumatic inflammation of the synovial membrane of cubital joint that is often accompanied by hemorrhage into articular cavity is characterized by large swelling and pain in the lateral area of cubital joint. A common symptom is also increased temperature of the skin and in some cases redness.  

A structure that sometimes is overgrown and swelled is lunular fold of the synovial membrane  located between the head of radius and the head of humerus. In this case a patient reports




tenderness in the lateral area of humero-radial joint accompanied by flexing contracture of cubital joint.

Very popular method of treating pain in the lataral area of cubital joint are the steroidal  injections in the area of the lateral epicondylus of humerus. This therapeutic method may lead to precipitation of calcium around aponeurosis of the wrist and fingers extensors.  In addition a local pain may be accompanied by soreness while straightening a wrist.  

There is a lot of various treatments and therapies of pain in the lateral area of cubital joint. Among others:

- correction of the ergonomics of work ( e.g. different hands' alignment on the keyboard)

- rehabilitation (physiotherapy ,  shock wave, needle therapy, loosening soft tissues, crosswide massage)

- Kinesio Taping

- using tourniquet

Our job in CoreandMore clinic is treating various medical conditions and protecting from pain recurrence in the affected area.